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Law Offices Of Daniel R Perlman


Phone number (213) 514-8324

At the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman, we are committed to making a positive difference in the lives of our clients. We are pleased to represent a diverse clientele who need a strong defense to criminal charges ranging from criminal traffic offenses to murder charges.

Our clients include college students, parents, juveniles, military personnel, immigrants, licensed professionals, and anyone who needs a strong defense to misdemeanor or felony criminal charges. We believe strongly that every person charged with a criminal offense has the right to a zealous defense.

Former prosecutor Daniel Perlman provides criminal defense and DUI defense in Los Angeles, CA. He offers a free consultation for anyone that is facing a criminal charge. Call today to speak with Daniel.

Established in 2006.

Criminal Defense Lawyer and DUI Defense Attorney Daniel Perlman Founded the Law Offices of Daniel R. Perlman in Los Angeles, CA. Our criminal law office has ripened over the past eight years as we have balanced our slow, yet consistent growth against ensuring that every client is treated like a member of our family and given the best possible criminal defense in Los Angeles. We pride ourselves in seeking the best alternative sentencing for drug charges, domestic violence cases and violent crimes and strike offenses like ADW and criminal threats. DUI defense is one of our strengths and we receive nearly 30 units of continuing legal education each year in DUI law. Check our reviews on google plus and as well to see what other clients are saying about our DUI defense and Criminal law firm in Los Angeles, CA. 2014 updates for LA include a spike in DUI arrests, shoplifting, commercial burglary and a disturbing rise in Trayvon Martin like assault with a deadly weapon cases.

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City Los Angeles Category Legal Location 6464 W Sunset Blvd Ste 1030 Los Angeles, CA 90028
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